Last updated on August 2021


S. Kumar , S. Suman, and S. De, “Dynamic Resource Allocation in UAV-enabled mmWave Communication Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, June 2021.

S. Suman, S. Kumar , and S. De, “Impact of Hovering Inaccuracy on UAV-aided RFET," IEEE Communication Letter, Dec 2019.

S. Suman, S. Kumar , and S. De, “UAV-assisted RFET: A Novel Framework for Sustainable WSN," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Dec 2019.

S. Suman, S. Kumar , and S. De, “Path Loss Model for UAV-assisted RFET," IEEE Communication Letter, Oct. 2018.

S. Kumar , S. De, and D. Mishra “RF Energy Transfer Channel Models for Sustainable IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Aug. 2018.


C. Zhang*, S. Kumar*, and D. Bharadia, “Capttery: Scalable Battery-like Room-level Wireless Power," ACM MobiSys'19, Seoul, South Korea, 2019. (* Co-primary authors)

S. Suman, S. Kumar, and S. De, “UAV-assisted RF Energy Transfer," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2018.

S. Kumar, S. Suman, and S. De, “Backhaul and Delay-aware Placement of UAV-enabled Base Station," IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV Networks (WiSARN), 2018.

S. Kumar, D. Mishra, and S. De, “An Accurate Channel Model for Optimizing Effect of Non-LOS Component in RF Energy Transfer," Twenty Third National Conference on Communication (NCC), 2017.


S. Kumar, "Dynamic Resource Allocation in UAV-enabled Communication Networks", M.S. Thesis, July, 2019.
S. Kumar, "Techniques and theoretical analysis for increasing RF-ET efficiency", B.Tech Thesis, July, 2017.

Project Reports

S. Kumar, and Robert W. Heath Jr., "Multicasting in Frequency Selective Channels with One-bit DACs", Project Report, May, 2020.

R. M. Dreifuerst, A. Graff, S. Kumar, C. Unger, D. Bray, "End-to-End Radio Fingerprinting with Neural Networks", Project Report, May, 2020.